
LG V60 ThinQ 5G User Manual

The LG V60 ThinQ 5G user manual will help you to be ready using this highly personalized device with a dual-screen. Download the PDF in the article!

LG V60 ThinQ 5G User Manual

A lot of people often look down upon user manuals. The amount of useful information contained in this little book is underrated. Do not und undervalue manuals, just like how you don’t underestimate LG V60 ThinQ 5G.

LG is a prominent smartphone manufacturer that always emphasizes personalization. This device is easily loveable because you can set it how you want it to be. Of course, reading the LG V60 ThinQ 5G user manual will improve your ability to personalize it.

You will need a deep understanding of this phone’s outer and inner functions. You want your new device to run smoothly and safely.

Before you delve deeper into the user manual, we provide you with a brief insight into the general guidelines. Check the following snippets of the manual.

Custom Designed Features

Right off the bat, the manual will provide you with information about the device’s camera. You can learn to customize the camera with time-lapse control, 3D Augmented Reality, and various effects.

You can also learn about customizing the audio with ASMR mode and other enhancements. Then, there is also information about dual custom dual screen mode, LG play, and Fingerprint Recognition.

Look at the image below to learn more about the phone’s layout:

LG V60 ThinQ 5G Layout
LG V60 ThinQ 5G Layout

Basic Functions

Most smartphone owners are already familiar with how to operate most devices. So reading this part of the manual may be boring for some people. However, as we have mentioned, you shouldn’t ignore it, especially if LG V60 ThinQ is your first phone.

In this part of the manual, you can find information about the phone’s components and their overview. The manual will also teach you about the V60 ThinQ SIM card, memory card, and even how to turn it off or on.

The LG V60 ThinQ 5G user manual also covers fundamental features, such as content sharing, multi-tasking, encryption, and so on. Do not forget to read about this phone’s water-resistant property in case it gets wet.

Useful Apps

Because of this device’s customizability, it is no surprise that V60 ThinQ 5G comes with various useful apps. You can use this phone right out of the box.

The manual will tell you about each of these default but useful apps. For example, there is a section that explains the contacts, gallery, and music management. You can also find information about additional apps such as LG health and ThinQ in the manual.

Read also:

LG Pay

Nowadays, your phone is your wallet. E-money technology allows us to do transactions without cash whenever. It is convenient. But, it is risky if you do not know about it.

The manual features information about LG Pay. It will teach you how to turn LG V60 ThinQ to turn into a payment device. Once you know how to enable it, you will only need to touch your phone to the reader. Then, the transaction will finish quickly.


To make V60 ThinQ perform just as you want it to be, you will need to understand the settings. Fortunately, the user manual contains rich information about them.

You may want to look at the info about the display, theme, and sound so that you can customize them. You can also read about accounts, storage, and battery setting management in the manual.

Digital Well-being

You may have heard horror stories about children using their parent’s phones for inappropriate usage. For parents, the V60 ThinQ can assist you to prevent such a terrible thing from happening.

If you have small children, learning how to turn on parental control is wise. So, it is a crucial necessity to study this smartphone’s manual!

Dual Screen

The LG V60 is a unique smartphone because of its dual-screen feature. Most people who are interested in this phone will look at the multiple screens closely. It is quite different compared to foldable phones.

So, you must understand how to use these two screens. This distinctive feature will require specific care. Therefore, you have to read the user manual so that you can enjoy this dual-screen phone.

Download User Manual

If you are searching for your phone user manual, look no further! Instead of going through your old box, we will provide it for you. The LG V60 ThinQ 5G user manual is now available for download at the following link on our website. You can save the pdf file into your device and study all the information closely.

Download: LG V60 ThinQ 5G User Manual (PDF)