
PCD Jaguar Pro II PL571 User Manual (Access Wireless)

The instructions on the PCD Jaguar Pro II (PL571) user manual will be useful for new users to understand all the device’s aspects and configurations.

PCD Jaguar Pro II User Manual

The PCD Jaguar Pro II smartphone may be a strange name for some people. If you have this device as your daily device, you must learn about all the features and specifications.

Learning the device yourself takes time, and it’s very high risk. If you are using it falsely, it may result in malfunctions. Thankfully, a user manual with complete guidance about the PCD Jaguar Pro II smartphone uncovers all the phone’s external and internal information.

The user manual can be very intimidating with the technical words and information. However, we help you summarize the manual and make it easier to understand. We hope it can help you have a big idea about the manual.

Download User Manual

As the initial steps, let’s try learning the device comprehensively by downloading the PCD Jaguar Pro II (PL571) user manual. You can download the document now or later after reading the summary. It’ll be downloaded in a PDF file.

➡️ Download PCD Jaguar Pro II User Manual (PDF)

Phone Overview

Before you get a new PCD Jaguar Pro II smartphone, it would be better to have an overview of the phone’s buttons and parts’ locations. It helps you to find out where to go when you need to do some operations. For example, where is the charging port? And which one is the volume and power buttons?

Get Started

Then, it’s time to start with the PCD Jaguar Pro II. In this chapter, you’ll discover some initial configurations to make your new smartphone work smoothly. You can learn how to install the SIM and MicroSD card and switch on and off the phone. Moreover, there is also information about how to unlock the device.

Read also: PCD Jaguar Pro II Review

Touchscreen Usage

The PCD Jaguar Pro II is a touchscreen smartphone. If you don’t know how to operate the touch screen, let’s go into this exact chapter to learn about it. Here, you will get the information about tap/touch/click, touch & hold, drag, slide/sweep, scroll, and pinch.

Home Screen

Not only the physical parts that will be learned in the user manual. To add your knowledge about the PCD Jaguar Pro II, you will get information about all the home screen’s functions. It includes learning about the status bar, notification bar, app icon, and main menu.

Phone Settings

Get to know all the PCD Jaguar Pro II smartphone’s settings within this one and only chapter of the user manual. This chapter is the longest part of the manual because it’s important to know.

The information you will learn here includes the SIM card, network, sound, and display. After that, you will also learn about security, applications and notifications, messages, and calls. All need to be understood to make your experience more immersive.

Manage Files

You can manage the files on the PCD Jaguar Pro II smartphone to make it more convenient for you to operate the device. In this following chapter, you will learn how to search the files, use voice search, and operate the Play Store.


Let’s say you are having some troubles with your new PCD Jaguar Pro II smartphone in the future. Don’t rush over the problems; start looking into this last chapter of the manual. This will help you troubleshoot the common problems on the device.

We have completed the user manual for the PCD Jaguar Pro II (PL571) from Access Wireless. This summary recaps the key information from each chapter to help you become more familiar with this device.

Reading through this overview will provide explanations of the smartphone’s main features and functions, ensuring you get up to speed quickly on how to use the PCD Jaguar Pro II.