
TCL 20 5G User Manual

A user manual can help you find the correct way to use your new device. Check out the TCL 20 5G user manual for user assistance.

TCL 20 5G User Manual

Tell us, what is a better source for having a guide than the user manual? The answer is nothing else. Every smartphone has its own features and functions. Because of that, we need to read the user manual before going far with it.

The user manual completes the new users’ needs by providing information about unnoticed features and the answers to your problems. Indeed, the document is not everyone’s favorite. But, it will be very important for you right now or in the future.

Don’t worry. We know your struggle and will make it easy for you. We have noted all important sections of the TCL 20 5G user manual. Find out what the user manual can do for you, and you can download the full document later.


First thing first, the chapter will show you the layout of the TCL 20 5G smartphone. It comes with diagrams, labels, and descriptions for each feature. After you’re familiar with this, you will move on to get started with the phone.

In the next part, you will learn how to set up the phone, including installing the SIM and MicroSD card and charging the battery. After that, you will also learn about the home screen and text input.

Read also: TCL 20 5G Review: Mid-Range Smartphone with Triple Rear-Cameras

Multimedia Applications

The TCL 20 5G comes with various multimedia applications. This chapter will notice some multimedia apps, including the Camera, Gallery, and Music.

The Camera section shows how to operate the camera, complete with its features. Meanwhile, in the Gallery, you can find out what to do with the pictures and videos you’ve taken. And, in the Music section obviously will show you how to listen to the music from your device.

Apps and Features

Many applications exist and are pre-installed on the TCL 20 5G smartphone. Some of you may not know what those functions are. This Apps and Features chapter contains the Apps information.

First, some productivity apps are available, including the Phone, Messages, Calendar, Clock, and Calculator. After that, there is information about the TCL Apps, such as NXTVISION and TCL+. Lastly, Google applications are also available in this chapter.


The fact that we may not be satisfied or suitable for certain settings is undeniable. That’s why the Settings chapter is available in the user manual. This chapter discusses some settings to adjust or change to your preference.

For instance, you can control the network & other connectivity, change the phone’s display and sound, and set some advanced features. You can also power up the phone’s privacy by adjusting the security settings.


Sometimes, we might find some problems when it comes to operating the TCL 20 5G smartphone. We can’t avoid this. Because of this, we should come prepared before everything gets worse. This last chapter is a life savior.

The troubleshooting chapter contains the answers to your inquiries. Is your phone freezing? Not responding? Can’t charge the battery? Or can’t you connect to the internet? Here, the chapter has all the needed instructions before you go to the service center to fix your device.

Download User Manual

That’s the end of the summary! As usual, the article doesn’t contain all information from the user manual. We only highlighted some important notes you might want to know before reading the document. After all, we recommend you read the TCL 20 5G user manual by clicking the download link below. It is worth every second you spend.

Download: TCL 20 5G User Manual (PDF)