A manual gives you a deeper understanding of a new device. That is why you should not miss reading the LG K40 user manual.
Sometimes you do not realize how necessary a manual is. Many new phone users call the call center just to ask for information that can be found in the manual. It is one of the reasons you should read the manual even if it is the simplest device.
By reading the LG K40 user manual, you will know a lot of important information related to the new phone. Such as when getting to know the phone, using its features, and making full use out of the phone.
Imagine when you don’t read the manual. You will not know how to explore LG K40 and what you can actually do on this awesome phone. That is why you should read it. You will find this book is useful.
Do you want to know what you will acquire by reading the user manual? Here is the summary of the document.
Page Contents:
Custom-design Features
If you only glanced at this phone, you might think LG K40 is just like other Android phones. But it has some unique features. Such as its camera features, gallery features, and multitasking feature. How are they unique? You can create a GIF with the LG K40 camera, you can create a movie with its gallery feature, and you can use two apps at the same time with the multitasking feature.
Most of the Android phones do not have the features above. That is why you should read the manual to find out how to use those features. Besides that information, this chapter also teaches you how to customize sound quality and effects, use Google Assistant, and register a fingerprint.
Now that you have known what you can do with LG K40, it is time to check out its design. The picture below is the layout of the LG K40.
Basic Functions
What is the first thing you do when you get a new phone in hand? Insert a SIM and memory card might be the most common answer. You do not need to call the LG call center to do this. Just open this chapter and you will find the steps to do so.
Moreover, this chapter also tells you how to turn the power on or off the phone, optimizing battery life, taking a screenshot, every touch function, and limiting notifications to avoid spamming for a period of time.
Read also:
Useful Apps
This chapter informs you of the apps that already come with the phone and how to download additional apps. The built-in apps that LG K40 has are camera, Chrome, QuickMemo+, task, calendar, etc.
QuickMemo+ allows you to make attractive notes. You can use various options that are included in this advanced notepad feature. You can also make a note straight out of the screenshots and photos.
Do you feel the built-in apps are not enough? Just install the additional apps. You can download them from SmartWorld, Play Store, or other app stores provided by your service provider. Learn how to use built-in apps and how to download additional apps in this part of the manual. Make the most out of LG K40 to ease your days.
Do you feel the phone font is not big enough? You can change the font size by reading this chapter. What else you can change about the display? You can customize the wallpaper, lock screen, brightness, sound, vibration, etc. Just customize LG K40 settings based on your preference. Furthermore, this chapter of the LG K40 user manual guides you to set up your mobile network, connect to Wi-Fi, and activate Bluetooth.
Sharing data among LG K40 and other devices is now easy and fast. Apart from sharing data via Bluetooth or the same Wi-Fi connection, there are other ways you can choose. They are NFC, Android Beam, and sharing panel. Learn how to use them in the Settings chapter.
Do you want to transfer data to your PC? Of course, you can do it. You do not need a USB connection anymore. You can just use your LG AirDrive account to access your files saved from a computer. The data that can be shared includes music, photos, videos, or contacts. Just do some steps stated in this chapter, you will share the data in an instant.
Download User Manual
This is the final part of the summary of the LG K40 user manual. You have found the reasons to read the manual, haven’t you? We believe one who just bought a new device will find the manual useful. To read the full document, please click the link we provide.
Download: LG K40 User Manual (PDF)